Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad Recipe
Vegan Goodie for Weight Loss

  • Like 9
  • 9 Minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Easy
  • No Cooking
Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad Recipe

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1/2 cup seasoned Rice Vinegar
1 tablespoon toasted Sesame Oil
1 teaspoon fresh Ground Ginger
1 teaspoon Honey
1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
1/2 head Napa Cabbage thinly sliced
1.5 Orange - Fresh segmented
1/2 cup Cilantro - Fresh
1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt
You can also add..
1 cup Croutons
Non-Vegans can also add..
1 cup sliced Chicken Breast

Nutritional information for Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad Recipe

Saturated Fat

Are you on detox, slimming, or you just want a great salad? This Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad is one of the best healthy dishes you'll find!

Did you Know?

Cabbage contains a high concentration of Vitamin C. That means it cuts out toxins in your body, preventing skin disease, arthritis, and rheumatism.


  • You can also add..

  • Non-Vegans can also add..

Steps for Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad Recipe

9 Minutes

Mix them all

Thinly slice the cabbage and segment the orange. In a bowl, mix together the vinegar, sesame oil, ginger, honey, and soy sauce. Put the cabbage, orange segments, and cilantro in a bowl, pour the sauce over them and toss well. Season with sea salt. Enjoy!

Additional Info for Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad Recipe


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Give this simple cabbage salad an Asian twist by using Napa cabbage, plus Asian flavors such as ginger, sesame, and soy. Green, red, or savoy cabbage could be used as well. Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad is a simple, yet tasty recipe that can be used for Detox and Weight-loss diets.

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About Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad recipe

This Asian Cabbage Salad is absolutely addictive! Greens and shredded cabbage are tossed in a magical cabbage salad dressing that is sweet, sour, and a bit salty. Oranges & fresh veggies take this easy Asian cabbage salad over the top! Fresh orange juice and ginger bring forward the Asian flavors of the dressing in this Chinese Cabbage Salad. When selecting mandarin oranges at the store, opt for ones that are a bit firm to slightly soft, with a noticeable citrus fragrance. Cabbage is a wonderful seasonal vegetable that we can get locally throughout the winter and it makes up a large part of our diet until spring rolls around. Additive only begins to describe this easy cabbage salad recipe!




Why eating a vegan salad?

Well-planned vegan diets follow healthy eating guidelines and contain all the nutrients that our bodies need. Some research has linked vegan diets with lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. You can view a vegan diet either in terms of what it excludes or what it includes. Vegan diets are known to help people lose weight. However, they also offer an array of additional health benefits. 

For starters, a vegan diet may help you maintain a healthy heart. Moreover, this diet may offer some protection against type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. So, there are plenty of reasons why you should eat vegan salad.




Weight-Loss diet with Salads

An increasing number of people are turning to plant-based diets in the hope of shedding excess weight. In addition, several randomized controlled studies — the gold standard in scientific research — report that vegan diets are more effective for weight loss than the diets they are compared to. Interestingly, participants on the vegan diet lost more weight than those who followed low-calorie diets, even when the vegan groups were allowed to eat until they felt full. Even when they weren’t following their diets perfectly, the vegetarian and vegan groups still lost slightly more weight than those on a standard Western diet.

Bottom line: Vegan diets have a natural tendency to reduce your calorie intake. This makes them effective at promoting weight loss without the need to actively focus on cutting calories. Moreover, a great help for weight-loss from this salad is ginger. Ginger is among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet. It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain. Studies that looked at ginger’s weight loss benefits suggests that ginger has a significant effect on body weight and belly fat.




Notes and Tips for Asian Cabbage & Orange Salad

  • The balance between the amount of cabbage, orange, and seasoning is essential. If the cabbage is large-sized, you must increase the rest of the ingredients proportionally. Cut cabbage leaves lengthwise and very thinly to get the optimal texture. You can replace the honey with another sweetener, agave syrup, or panela cane sugar, for example.
  • I love to make this for a brunch buffet. It’s good at room temperature and the cabbage and orange segments can be added fresh just before serving with the rest made and chilled in advance. And, if you’re not familiar with segmenting oranges, you simply cut a half-inch off the top and the bottom of the orange, slice, and peel off in five or six downward slices following the curved shape of the orange. This gets rid of the peel and the pith. Then holding the fruit in your left hand and cutting in between the skin segments with a knife in your right hand, you’ll end up with just the yummy part of the orange. About one minute per orange when you get good at it!



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