Broiled Fish Steak
Recipe with Vegetarian & Weight-Loss Features

  • Like 8
  • 16 Minutes
  • Serves 1
  • Easy
  • High Heat
Broiled Fish Steak

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1/4 pound Fish Steak About 3/4 inch thick
2 teaspoons Margarine
1 teaspoon Salt To taste
1 teaspoon Pepper To taste
Instead of Margarine, use Butter

Nutritional information for Broiled Fish Steak

Saturated Fat

Broiled Fish Steak is the quickest fish-based meal I can think when time is against me. If you want something tasty and quickly be prepared, Broiled Fish Steak (works also with fish fillets) is the perfect option.

Did you Know?

Fatty fish boast omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for optimal body and brain function and strongly linked to a reduced risk of many diseases.


  • Variation

Steps for Broiled Fish Steak

1 Minute

Preparing the Oven

You may need to move the oven rack so it is 5 to 6 inches below the broiler. Set the oven control to broil.

2 Minutes

Prepare the Fish steak

Sprinkle both sides of the fish steak with salt and pepper. Brush both sides with half of the margarine (or butter).

6 Minutes

Broil the Fish Steak

Place the fish steak on the rack in the broiler pan. Broil with top of the fish steak at about 4 inches from the heat, for 5 minutes. Brush with margarine.

1 Minute

Turn the fish

Carefully turn fish over with a turner. Brush the other side with margarine.

6 Minutes

Broil 4-6 Minutes longer

Broil 4 to 6 minutes longer or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

Additional Info for Broiled Fish Steak


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Broiled Fish Steak is a simple, but yet tasty recipe that can be made quickly, without much effort. The Broiled Fish Steak can be served with a glass of red wine, in the afternoon or dinner. 

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About Broiled Fish Steak Recipe

You probably want to cook another type of food for your family, different than usual, and it should be simple and tasty. Well, this recipe is for you. Broiled Fish Stakes is the perfect and quick choice. When time is against me I always pick the most simple recipe I have in my cookbook because simple can be better in many cases (great flavor and time for yourself), and the Broiled Fish Steak is one of the best and quick fish-based meals I have. As a variation, I recommend using butter instead of margarine or using fish fillets instead of steak. It is best prepared during summer days and served outdoors with family or friends.




Notes and Variations for Broiled Fish Steak

Essential Equipment: broiler pan with rack.


Picking the right fish for cooking

Fish is easy to cook and so good for your health. Fish is available whole, drawn, and pan-dressed, but you’ll find it most often in steaks or fillets. You can purchase fish fresh or frozen. When you pick the fresh fish, the scales should be bright with a sheen, the flesh should be firm and elastic and there should be no odor. Frozen fish should be tightly wrapped and frozen solid; there should be no discoloration and no odor.


Broiled Fish Fillets Variation

Substitute 1/4 to 1/3 pound fish fillets for the fish steak. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and brush with margarine as directed on package. Broil with tops about 4 inches from heat 5 to 6 minutes. Turning the fillets is not necessary.

Fish fillets are the sides of the fish, cut lengthwise. They can be purchased with or without skin. Fillets usually are boneless, however, small bones called pins may be present. Use 1/4 to 1/3 pound per serving.


Cuts of Fish

Fish steaks are the cross-section of a large pan-dressed fish. Steaks are 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. Use 1/4 to 1/3 pound per serving.




It can be used for weight-loss diets

If you are on a weight-loss diet and search for a quick meal, the fish steak is one of the best choices, having only 285 calories and 1.2g Saturated Fat, but great intake of proteins (11.4g). It also has Omega 3 oil which is great for a weight-loss diet.

As per’s article, fish oil omega-3 helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism’s speed. Your metabolism can be measured by your metabolic rate, which determines the number of calories you burn each day. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off. 


Another study made by US National Library of Medicine looks like this: 44 people reported that those given 4 grams of fish oil per day failed to lose more weight than those given a placebo. However, the fish oil group lost 1.1 more pounds of body fat and gain 1.1 more pounds  of muscle than those not given fish oil.


As you can see, even if you’ll not lose weight, you’ll burn more and more fat but gain muscle instead (and this isn’t a bad thing). 



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