Simple Fettuccine Pasta with Lemon and Parsley Recipe

  • Like 9
  • 17 Minutes
  • Serves 2
  • Easy
  • Medium to High
Simple Fettuccine Pasta with Lemon and Parsley Recipe

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1/2 Lb. Fettuccine Pasta you can use spaghetti or penne also
1 Lemon
2 tablespoons Butter
1/4 Cup chopped Parsley - Fresh
1 cup Milk
5 tablespoons Parmigiano Cheese

Nutritional information for Simple Fettuccine Pasta with Lemon and Parsley Recipe

468 kcal
Saturated Fat

Fettuccine is thick pasta in appearance and volume, with a strong flavor. Adding lemon and parsley will make it a worthwhile recipe.

Did you Know?

You think of pasta as being invented in Italy, but the first recorded reports of people eating pasta came from China.


Steps for Simple Fettuccine Pasta with Lemon and Parsley Recipe

10 Minutes

Cook the Fettuccine Pasta

Put the Fettuccine pasta into the boiling water and mix, mix, mix! Depending on what Fettuccine pasta you bought, cook as directed on package. Continue stirring even if you'll do your biceps workout in your kitchen. Using a slotted spoon (or your utensil of choice), fish out a single pasta, let it cool a bit, then take a bite. If it's al-dente, then take out your pasta... if no, let the pot on the heater and try again in one minute. I used Barilla Fettuccine for this recipe. You can use also spaghetti or penne.

2 Minutes

Add the Butter, Lemon and Milk

In a small frying pan, place the Butter and let it dissolve. Then add the Lemon juice and Milk (or cream). Saute and stir for about 1 minute.


Wrapping up

Place the Fettuccine pasta in a serving dish and add the sauce you made at step 2. Stir a bit, and spread some fresh parsley on top. Add last the "piece de resistance", Parmigiano. Bon appétit!

Additional Info for Simple Fettuccine Pasta with Lemon and Parsley Recipe


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Simple Fettuccine Pasta with Lemon and Parsley Recipe? As usual, the simplest recipes are Italian, and if we take into account their flavor … mmmm!! Fettuccine is thick pasta in appearance and volume, with a strong flavor, unlike spaghetti. However, you can use what kind of pasta you want, but we recommend Fettuccine in this recipe.

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Simple recipe, simple ingredients!

For a recipe like this, it takes only a few ingredients and very little time. In this simple recipe, you will need pasta, butter, lemon, milk or cream, and fresh parsley. How simple is that?  You do not have to be a cook/chef to make this recipe, but you will be amazed at the taste of this dish. Trust me, you’ll want a second plate!


How to cook Fettuccine pasta as a professional.

We recommend the Italian style: al-dente, not too mushy yet not too chewy. This means you need a perfect balance, and I’ll show you how to do this.


1. Pick a big pot for Fettuccine

Having a large pot gives pasta plenty of space. Do not crowd the pasta into a tight pot.

2. Fill the pot with water

Besides a big pot, you will need a lot of water too. Fill it with water, put it on fire and add salt. Do not just give a single tap of the salt shaker (give at least 5 taps)! This will give the paste and flavor boost. Bring the water to a full boil.

3. Put the Fettuccine pasta in the boiling water

Put the Fettuccine pasta into the boiling water and mix, mix, mix! Depending on what Fettuccine pasta you bought, cook as directed on the package. Continue stirring even if you’ll do your biceps workout in your kitchen. Using a slotted spoon (or your utensil of choice), fish out a single pasta, let it cool a bit, then take a bite. If it’s al-dente, then take out your pasta… if no, let the pot on the heater and try again in one minute. See here what pasta al-dente means.

4. Drain the water.

If the Fettuccine pasta is al-dente, place a colander in the kitchen sink and drain the water out. To make sure the pasta will remain unbound from each other, put them under cold water for 5 seconds.



What can I use instead of Fettuccine?

The best pasta you can substitute fettuccine with is linguine. Linguine is also a form of pasta, just like trenette and fettuccine, but what makes it unique is the fact that it is not flat but elliptical in section. The taste is almost the same, but if you do not find Fettuccine at your local store, use linguine. Another type of pasta to substitute the main ingredient is spaghetti, but this type of pasta will have a slightly different taste than the recipe I presented here. Let spaghetti be your last choice, or look for my recipes with spaghetti as the main ingredient.



Do different types of pasta taste different?

I get this question a lot. If you have sensitive taste buds, you’ll realize that every type of pasta has a slightly different taste. Every pasta is made with different compositions, ingredients, ingredient amounts, and/or shapes (the shape is affecting only the ingredient amounts). Some are saying it doesn’t matter what pasta you’re using, it all tastes the same, no matter what recipe you have chosen, and that’s only depends on how you cook the pasta… NOT TRUE! For example, my recipes with Fettucine will not have the same ingredients as with spaghetti, or if it does, the rest of the ingredients will have different amounts. Therefore, don’t be fooled by fake articles, use the right pasta with the right ingredients.


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