Special Roasted Garlic
Use this Recipe as Snack or Appetizer

  • Like 4
  • 53 Minutes
  • Serves 6
  • Easy
  • 350º Heat
Special Roasted Garlic

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
6 bulbs of Garlic
12 teaspoons Olive Oil 2 teaspoons for each garlic bulb
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
Instead of Olive Oil, use...
12 teaspoons Vegetable Oil

Nutritional information for Special Roasted Garlic

Saturated Fat

Roasted garlic can be the best snack ever. The good thing is that it doesn't leave the same breath behind if it's cooked.

Did you Know?

In folklore, garlic has been regarded as a force for both good and evil. In Romania for example, garlic was used to keep away vampires (Dracula - Transilvania).


  • Instead of Olive Oil, use...

Steps for Special Roasted Garlic

2 Minutes

Peel the paperlike skin from around each bulb of garlic

Heat the oven to 350º. Carefully peel the paperlike skin from around each bulb of garlic, leaving just enough to hold the cloves together. Cut a 1/4- to 1/2-inch slice from the top of each bulb to expose the cloves. Place bulb, cut side up, on a 12-inch square of aluminum foil.

1 Minute

Drizzle the olive oil over each garlic bulb

Drizzle 2 teaspoons oil over each bulb. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wrap foil securely around the bulb. Place in the baking pan or pie plate.

50 Minutes

Roast the garlic bulbs

Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until garlic is tender when pierced with a toothpick or fork. Cool slightly. To serve, gently squeeze one end of each clove to release the roasted garlic. Spread on slices of bread. Enjoy!

Additional Info for Special Roasted Garlic


Roasted Garlic Recipe can be eaten as a snack during brunch or between meals. From time to time I cook roasted garlic due to its particular taste and health benefits. Have you cooked this kind of snack? If not, let me show you how to do it.


About the Roasted Garlic Snack Recipe

Garlic is an ingredient that should not be missing from your winter diet. Sulfur in garlic is responsible for bad breath after eating it. The good news is that, by roasting in the oven, it breaks down and the smell disappears. Because the smell prevents you from consuming it many times, I recommend a very simple recipe through which you can enjoy its intense aroma, without affecting your breath. Roasted garlic has a different chemical composition than the raw one and not only the aroma is easier to bear, but its digestion lasts less.


Health Benefits for Roasted Garlic

A lot of experts recommend the consumption of six cloves of garlic weekly, as this is the perfect number for the result of its miraculous effects. When you eat roasted garlic, it is first digested and transformed into food for the body. Then, after 2-4 hours, it fights free radicals and cancer cells in the body, and after 4-6 hours, it has effects on metabolism. After 6-7 hours, the antibacterial properties are activated, after 7-10 hours it protects the body from oxidants, and after 10-24 hours, it protects the cleaning process. At the same time, among other benefits are the prevention of the appearance of heavy metals in our body, as well it strengthens the bones.


Notes and Tips

  1. Essential Equipment: aluminum foil; baking pan or pie plate.
  2. Garlic bulbs sometimes called “heads” of garlic, are made up of as many as fifteen sections called “cloves,” each of which is covered with thin skin. You can find garlic bulbs in the produce section of the supermarket.
  3. Add Sliced French bread if you desire

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