Beef with Green Peppers, Rice and Soy Sauce
Chinesse Recipe

  • Like 9
  • 40 Minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Easy
  • Medium
Beef with Green Peppers, Rice and Soy Sauce

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1 Lb. Beef Steak Tips
2 Cups Rice Cook First
1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
4 Thinly Sliced Green Bell Pepper You can add Red Peppers also, but the flavour will change
2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
4 Tablespoons Olive Oil Virgin Oil is recommended

Nutritional information for Beef with Green Peppers, Rice and Soy Sauce

12.2 g
2.1 g
Saturated fat
46.3 mg
3.7 g
1.9 g
25.8 g

Craving for Chinese food? Make your own meal by following this recipe step by step. It's easy to make and the flavor is super. Bon appétit!

Did you Know?

Hamburger meat from 1 cow would equal 720 quarter-pound (100g) hamburgers, enough for a family of 4 to enjoy hamburgers each day for nearly 6 months!

  • Low Calorie Recipes
  • Spicy Recipes


Steps for Beef with Green Peppers, Rice and Soy Sauce

15 minutes

Start with the Rice

Take 2 cups of rice and put it on in a pot on medium fire. It will take about 15 minutes until it's ready while preparing the rest from this recipe.

15 Minutes

Preparing the Steak Tips

The stake must be cut in TIPS. Then, in a large frying pan, saute the Steak Tips in Olive Oil, Soy Sauce, and Cornstarch until the beef tips are ready (browned). It's recommended to use Virgin Olive Oil.


Add Green Peppers

Now, you can add Green Peppers and salt to taste. Depending on your taste, add them for 4 servings or adjust for more.

10 Minutes

Cooking the Green Peppers with the Beef Steak Tips

The beef was already in the frying pan, and after you add the Green Peppers, cook until the peppers are tender but crisp; About 10 minutes.


Wrapping Up!

The rice should be ready. Put it on a plate, and add the Beef stakes and peppers. You can add a bit of the remaining sauce (Soy Sauce) or add some new. Bon Appétit!

Additional Info for Beef with Green Peppers, Rice and Soy Sauce


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A lot of people like Chinese cuisine, therefore, I add this quick and easy recipe. The Beef with Green Peppers and Soy Sauce Recipe is very easy to cook and combines the Beef flavor with the spicey Green Pepper. Adding the soy sauce will make it even more delightful to your tastebuds.

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Why using Beef meat?

Beef is healthy meat, famous all over the world. Different from western countries, Chinese people like to use it for various reasons, including that it is one of the most nutritious ingredients, has appetite-sating high-quality protein, and has all the essential amino acids needed. Before you start, prepare the beef before cooking by patting it with a paper towel before cooking. Liquid sizzles in the pan, creating steam that can prevent browning. Put the beef Steak Tips in the freezer in the freezer for about 30 minutes, or until just firm.


Beef Meat Vitamins

Beef has B vitamins (vital for brain function), and the most absorbable form of iron, which builds red blood cells and gives you energy. Its rich store of zinc supports the immune system. It is also rich in essential nutrients like creatine and carnosine. Non-meat eaters are often low in these nutrients, which may potentially affect muscle and brain function. 


Why add Green Peppers?

Why add green peppers to this recipe? The zestier flavor of the green bell pepper is more convenient than the sweeter taste of red bell pepper. This recipe needs the flavor of this type of bell pepper and will make a great mix with soy sauce. The Chinese recipes are very healthy, and they focus on green ingredients, mostly veggies. 




Original Chinese Beef with Green Peppers and Soy Sauce Recipe

The best way to make Chinese Beef with Green Peppers and Soy Sauce Recipe is to cook it by the original Chinese dish, without adding any variations to it. It is simple, fast making, and delicious. Yes, here you have the original recipe, the one made by 80% of Chinese master chefs.

The resulting dish can be very hot and spicy depending upon the heat/spicy level of the peppers you find. Sometimes, you’ll get a very mild flavor, and sometimes, you get walloped with spicy deliciousness. Either way, the Chinese Beef with Green Peppers and Soy Sauce will be great, no matter if it’s very spicy or not.




Variation with Ground Beef for a Chinese dish

The Chinese recipe is with beef steak Tips, but if it’s too expensive or you have ground beef in your freezer, make the exchange. The taste will be different, but almost as good as the original recipe. The thing is, Chinese recipes are best to be eaten with wooden sticks, you’ll find more flavor this way, but prepared with ground beef can be tricky. Anyway, you can use this variation and have an excellent dish as well.



It is also called Pepper Steak

The beef with green peppers originated from Fujian cuisine, known as qingjiaoròusi (青椒炒肉絲). The meat used then was pork, and the seasonings were relatively light compared to pepper steak. Anyway, the first American-Chinese recipe, like this one, was first dated from 1948 and has been kept as it is now ever since. Now, no matter how it is called or how do you find it on the internet, the result is the most important.



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