Healthy Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast
Recipe for Weight-Loss

  • Like 30
  • 30 Minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Easy
  • Medium Heat
Healthy Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1/2 lb. Chicken Breast
1/3 lb. Chickpeas rinsed and drained
3 medium Tomatoes
1 big Cucumber
1/2 medium red Onion
1/3 cup Coriander
1 medium Lemon
to taste Fresh Dill

Nutritional information for Healthy Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast

Saturated Fat

Belly fat is a problem? Summer is the best season to take care of it and make use of healthy salads, especially with fresh ingredients.

Did you Know?

If losing weight is your goal, you may want to start your meals with a green or fresh veggie salad.


Steps for Healthy Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast

11 Minutes

Prepare the Chicken Breast

Dice the chicken breasts, add olive oil to a non-stick frypan, add the chicken meat and cook over medium-high heat for 10 minutes or until chicken is tender and cooked through.

3 Minutes

Combine the fresh veggies

Meanwhile, chop the chickpeas, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, coriander, and then combine these veggies.

2 Minutes

Wrapp up!

Drizzle over lemon juice, add the chicken breast, sprinkle with dill, and toss to combine. Enjoy!

Additional Info for Healthy Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast


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Last days I published a lot of weight-loss recipes and today I wanted to continue with this trend, also healthy for those who are following this diet. The Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast is a recipe that can be prepared quickly, has a great flavor, and contains the exact nutrients to burn that ugly belly fat.

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About Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast recipe

The recipe for Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken meat is inspired by Caesar salad without the dressing, combined with some ingredients from the greek salad and the great local vegetables that add a lot of flavors. I like to prepare it during the lunch break or eat it between meals. The ingredients are very simple: cooked chicken breast (thinly sliced), chickpeas (very important for weight-loss diet), tomatoes, cucumbers (great for hydration and losing belly fat), red onion, coriander, and lemon juice. It can be said that this recipe is cheap to prepare, but the benefits regarding health, nutrition, and weight-loss are huge. If you change your mind halfway through when preparing, you also can set the chicken breasts aside, prepare a side dish from my cookbook, and set combine the rest of the ingredients to be served as a simple salad.




Health Benefits of Fresh Summer Salad with Chicken Breast

Because almost all ingredients are raw and uncooked, I’ll take them one by one to show you the most important health benefits of each.

  1. Chicken Breast: Chicken meat is a great source of low-fat protein, which contributes to muscle growth and development and controls the body’s homocysteine amino acid levels (which makes it very good for your heart). Due to the phosphorus richness, your body will have a lot of help against known diseases of the kidney, liver, teeth, bones, and central nervous system. It has Selenium, meaning it helps your metabolism at work, it is rich in vitamin B3 which is perfect for fighting against cancer or can prevent it. Chicken breast also prevents depression and makes you happier.
  2. Tomatoes: This veggie is a great source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.
  3. Cucumber: This veggie has a lot of vitamins, dietary fiber, and water, and helps in case of indigestion. Having a cucumber daily can solve issues related to bowel movements and hence help you combat constipation. As other health benefits, cucumber contains antioxidants, promotes hydration, Aid in Weight Loss, lowers blood sugar, and is very easy to add it to your diet.
  4. Onion: This veggie contains fiber and folic acid, B vitamins that help the body make healthy new cells, and are great whether they’re raw or cooked, though raw onions have higher levels of organic sulfur compounds that provide many benefits. These incredible vegetables also have minerals that aid in weight-loss.
  5. Coriander: helps lower blood sugar by activating certain enzymes, is full of antioxidants that demonstrate immune-boosting, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects; protects your heart by lowering blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. It also reduces brain inflammation, improves memory, and reduces anxiety symptoms.
  6. Chickpeas: are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, may improve digestion, aid weight management, and reduces the risk of several diseases. It is also known for offering a significant intake of Folate, Iron, Phosphorus, Copper, and Manganese. It also makes you keep the appetite under control, is rich in plant-based protein, supports blood sugar control, and may help reduce the risk of several chronic diseases such as Heart Disease, Cancer, and Diabetes.




Belly fat a problem? This recipe is what you need to lose weight!

Chicken breasts are a great source of low-fat protein, is great for weight-loss diets due to the B6 vitamin, keeping healthy vessels, and energy levels balanced, and helps your metabolism to burn away calories. Moreover, due to special nutrients, minerals, and vitamins from onion and cucumber, this salad is specially created for weight-loss. It also includes chickpeas that have plant-based & low-fat proteins, and also will make you feel full longer.


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