Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables
Recipe for Weight Loss Diet

  • Like 8
  • 35 Minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Easy
  • 330°F
Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
2 Fish Fillets 2 inch thick each
6 small Potatoes
1.5 medium Zucchini
8 Cherry Tomatoes
1 teaspoon Garlic
Juice from one medium Lemon
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
1/4 teaspoon Pepper

Nutritional information for Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables

Saturated Fat

Are you in search of a healthy weight loss recipe? This oven-baked fish fillets with vegetables is the best way to lose belly fat, and you will also learn about the keto diet.

Did you Know?

Basa or pangasius is said to be inexpensive because it grows very fast.


Steps for Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables

12 Minutes

Prepare the potatoes and zucchinis

Preheat oven to 330°F. Slice the potatoes and zucchinis to make round servings. Heat oil in a large frypan. When hot, add the potatoes, and after 3–5 minutes add zucchini. Fry for approximately another 5 minutes.

3 Minutes

Prepare for baking

Place fish on a piece of baking paper or aluminum foil and season with pepper. Put garlic and vegetables on the foil. Sprinkle with a few drops of lemon juice and fold to make them look like a parcel/ bonbon.

20 Minutes

Bake the fish fillets

Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, turning them side up every 5 minutes.

Additional Info for Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables


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The fish fillets baked in the oven with vegetables is one of the most used recipes for weight loss within my online cookbook pages. It is an excellent dish with which you can lose some pounds and solve the problematic belly fat once and for all. Try my baked fish fillets twice a week, some soups and salads, for 2 months. You’ll lose weight without putting in too much effort.

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About the Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetable recipe

I have a lot of friends who search online for weight-loss recipes because they feel fat, heavy, unhealthy, and have a lot of other reasons. I have decided to prepare and write down my special recipes for losing belly fat and weight in a healthy way.  



Weight loss with Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables

Above, I was saying to lose weight healthily. But how is that? How can you do that? Starving isn’t an option, even big nutritionists are against starvation. A lot of people decide to starve themselves in order to lose weight or use the keto diet (it’s ok for some, but not for all!). Before letting you know why should include Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables in your weight-loss diet, let me show you some facts about the keto diet.


Theresa Shank of Philly Dietitian is against KETO DIET! “One of the biggest trends that I have needed to address with my clients most recently is the Keto diet. There are tons of bloggers and Instagram ‘famous’ individuals that are supporting this diet fad, which I simply CANNOT get behind! It is far way too restrictive and does not support the foundation of what a healthy diet is or should be considered as. A healthy diet incorporates a wide variety of foods that are good for us. Very simply, a ‘diet’ should be a sustainable way of eating and the Keto diet, in my opinion does not support either of those previous statements”.


Another interesting fact is that keto diets work for some, and for some make the opposite. Moreover, in her article about two different mothers who use two different keto diets (one medical and the other to get slim), it works only if the diet greatly combines with your lifestyle.


My takeaway is that the keto diet worked for Jessica, not simply because its “keto” but because she chose a plan that forced her into a routine through clear boundaries that ultimately helped change her mindset, behaviors and relationship with food.

When considering if the keto diet is right for you, it really boils down to which approach is the most sustainable for you. What method suits your lifestyle, personality and food preferences? It’s likely that your nutrition routine doesn’t follow keto protocol so using it as a long-term diet is not recommended. But you could use keto as a short term (I stress short term) method to help recalibrate your relationship with food like Jessica and so many others have.

Ultimately, the nutrition routine that’s right for you is one you can follow consistently to help you build respect towards your health and achieve long term sustainable weight loss.


Returning to my recipe for Oven-baked Fish fillets with Vegetables has it all. Veggies with which you’ll have a great mineral intake, fish meat with which we all know the true benefits of it, and a great taste. Therefore, you’ll have on your plate a great meal to help you lose weight in a healthy way.



The 10-minutes rule for cooking fish

Cook fish for about 10 minutes per inch, turning it halfway through the cooking time. To be more specific, a 1-inch fish fillet should be cooked 5 minutes on each side for a total of 10 minutes. Pieces less than 1/2 inch thick do not have to be turned over. Test for doneness with a fork.


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