Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika Recipe. Vegetarian Flavors!

  • Like 9
  • 30 Minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Easy
  • 375ºF
Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika Recipe. Vegetarian Flavors!

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1 Pound Fish Fillets cod, haddock, or grouper
3 Tablespoons Butter Melted
1/4 Teaspoon Paprika
1 Tablespoon Juiced Lemon
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
Shortening to grease pan
3 Tablespoons Margarine instead of Butter

Nutritional information for Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika Recipe. Vegetarian Flavors!

Satured Fat

Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika is tastier than frozen fillets. This vegetarian recipe is cheap, has great flavor and can be included to weight-loss diets. The baked fish fillets are great for lunch or dinner, especially if you do not have time to cook something else.

Did you Know?

Eating fish may lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes and can boost brain health.


  • Variation

Steps for Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika Recipe. Vegetarian Flavors!

2 Minutes

Grease the pan and heat the Oven

Heat the oven to 375º. Grease the bottom of the baking pan with the shortening.

4 Minutes

Cut fish into fillets and place into the pan

Cut the fish fillets into 4 serving pieces if needed. Place the pieces in the pan with skin side down.

4 Minutes

Mix the other ingredients

Mix the 3 tablespoons of margarine, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon paprika. Drizzle this mixture over the fish.


Bake the Fish Fillets

Bake uncovered 15 to 20 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

Additional Info for Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika Recipe. Vegetarian Flavors!


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Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika is a tastier dish than the already prepared frozen fillets. Skip the frozen fillets and follow this simple vegetarian recipe for baked fresh fish fillets. 

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About the Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika Recipe

The Baked Fish Fillets with Paprika are delicious, a bit spicy, vegetarian, healthy, and great for lunch or dinner if you don’t have too much time to cook. This recipe can be made with very little effort, being a nutritious and complete meal for your family.

You only need one pound of shortening to grease pan, lean fish fillets (about 3/4 inch thick), three tablespoons of melted margarine (or butter), 1/4 teaspoon paprika, one tablespoon of lemon juice, and salt. For this recipe, you may use any firm white fish: cod, haddock, or grouper work properly (just cut it in 3/4 inch thick).

The breading isn’t too overwhelming; however, it adds a delicious crunch and taste. Moreover, the recipe for fish fillets doesn’t need to be too complex… the flavor is given 65% by the fish used, 15% by seasonings and the rest of 20% is given by the side dish accompaniment. Honestly, I don’t prepare a side dish every time I cook the fish fillets because it isn’t necessary (only if you’re very hungry).




What goes well with the Spicy Fish Fillets?

As a side dish, you can choose from a variety of preparations, including Asparagus (cooked simply). Another great side dish for the fish fillets is my special vegetarian recipe for Cheesy Potatoes, a simple side preparation with great flavor that will complete the taste. If you do not want to follow my recipe for cheesy potatoes, you can make any simple recipe with potatoes in composition (even puree).

If you want a healthier side dish, choose my simple fried Green Beans (also great for weight-loss). The fried Green beans require only a few minutes of preparation and cooking. You only need a few ingredients, being cheap and easy to make. Other side dishes that complete the fish fillets are roasted vegetables, roasted red potatoes, baby carrots with pea pods, or cheesy au gratin potatoes.

All of these side dishes can be an excellent garnish for the fish fillets and can be found in my category of sides. The fish fillets also go well with salads (any type).




These fish fillets are vegetarian, but can they be prepared for vegan persons?

This is a vegetarian dish if you allow yourself to eat fish as part of your diet. So this recipe can also be transformed into a vegan-adjacent preparation if you substitute margarine or butter with vegetarian products. Another variation is to completely take out the margarine from the ingredient list.




Recommendations for baking the fish fillets

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes. For this, you need a shallow baking pan, such as an 11 × 7-inch rectangle or an 8-inch square. Fish is available whole, drawn and pan-dressed, but you’ll find it most often in steaks or fillets. You can purchase fish fresh or frozen.

When you choose fresh fish, the scales should be bright with a sheen, the flesh should be firm and elastic, and there should be no odor. Frozen fish should be tightly wrapped and frozen solid; there should be no discoloration and no odor.




How to cut the Fish into Fillets

Fish steaks are the cross-section of a large pan-dressed fish. Steaks are 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. Allow 1/4 to 1/3 pound per serving. Fish fillets are the sides of the fish, cut lengthwise. As additional information, they can be purchased with or without skin. Fillets usually are boneless, however, small bones, called pins, may be present. Allow 1/4 to 1/3 pounds per serving.


Recipe Instructions (Steps for Baked Fish Fillets) ↓

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