Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza
American Recipe

  • Like 14
  • 61 Minutes
  • Serves 5
  • Easy
  • 350ºF Heat
Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza

Recipe's Ingredients

Adjust Servings:
1.25 Lb. Yam
3/4 Lb. Ham
1 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1 Pineapple - Canned
2 14-inch Pizza Crust
You can also add...
1 brown Onion
1 medium Green Onion
2 small Tomatoes
1/2 cup Tomato Sauce

Nutritional information for Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza

Saturated Fat

Did you search for a tropical pizza recipe? Because if you did, try this Hawaiian-African flavored pizza, with ham and yam. This dish is revamped and made after the modern cuisine guidelines.

Did you Know?

Yam tubers can grow up to 15 m (49 ft) in length and 7.6 to 15.2 cm (3.0 to 6.0 in) high. The tuber may grow into the soil up to 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) deep.


  • You can also add...

Steps for Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza

51 Minutes

Prepare the Yams

Preheat an oven to 350ºF. Prick the yams with the tines of a fork, wrap in foil, place on a baking sheet, and bake until soft, about 50 minutes. Let cool, peel, and cut into approximately 1-inch pieces.

3 Minutes

Prepare the Pizza while the yams are baking

Meanwhile, on the pizza crusts (ready-to-bake), arrange the mozzarella, ham, and pineapple and wait for the yams to be ready. If you wish, add also onions, tomatoes or tomato sauce.
Suggestion: If you want to make yourself the pizza dough, see directions above.

10 Minutes

Add the baked yams and bake

Arrange the cooked yams also on the ready-to-bake pizza crusts and bake, following the instructions for the pizza crust.

Additional Info for Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza


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Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza is a tropical-American type of pizza, simple, modern, and delicious. During summer days, these tropical pizzas are the best choices to have a “fresh” cooked meal. The combination of savory, salty, and sweet makes this a delight for any meal plan you might have.

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About Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza Recipe

I revamped a bit the classical (African Flavored) recipe for Ham and Yam pizza by adding pineapple & mozzarella. There’s no food on Earth like homemade pizza. Most pizzas use a tomato-based sauce. If you need (or just want) an alternative, this summer-themed variation with yam just might do the trick.

Yam is the common name for some plant species that form edible tubers and kind of look like sweet potatoes. They have a distinct brown, bark-like exterior. The flesh can be white, yellow, purple, or pink, depending on the maturity of the yam. These tubers are highly nutritious, versatile, and may benefit your health in many ways, may ease symptoms of menopause, enhance brain function, reduce inflammation, and improve blood sugar control.

Unlike sweet potatoes, which can be eaten raw, yams should never be consumed uncooked since they carry naturally-occurring plant toxins. The tuber must be peeled and cooked in order to remove these bitter proteins. But no worries, Hawaiian Ham & Yam Pizza will not hurt you, it will tickle your taste buds instead.




This pizza has African flavor

In certain tropical cultures like West Africa and New Guinea, the yam is the primary agricultural commodity and the focal point of elaborate rituals. They consume yams as cooked starchy vegetables, are often boiled and then mashed into a sticky paste or dough, but they may also be fried, roasted, or baked in the manner of potatoes.



Homemade Pizza is better and healthier

What Makes Homemade Pizza Healthy? Despite its party-food reputation, pizza can provide a lot of good nutrition. That’s especially true when you make it yourself at home. Homemade pizzas made this way are healthy because they are made with 100% whole grains and spread with lycopene-rich tomato sauce (did you know that tomato sauce has more of this powerful antioxidant than fresh tomatoes?) Topped with protein-rich whole cheeses sprinkled with fresh veggies. Altogether, homemade pizza is a balanced meal! You’re hitting all the food groups in a package that your kids will love. However, the recipe for Hawaiian ham & yam pizza uses ready-to-bake pizza crust because I wanted to prepare it quickly.




How to prepare pizza crust?

After constantly trying new recipes and formulas, and after having gone to Italy in search of the perfect rustic, authentic Italian pizza dough, I am even more confident that this is the best recipe out there. Some of my viewers asked to write down a recipe for pizza crust because they did not want to use ready-to-bake ones. Therefore, here it is:


What is the best flour for pizza dough?

In my opinion, an organic unbleached all-purpose flour is ideal, especially when making a thin Neopolitan crust. It requires no fancy flour. 

Ingredients for pizza dough
  1. 5 cups all-purpose or 00 flour
  2. 1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
  3. 1 1/2 tsp sea salt
  4. 2 1/4 cups COLD water
  5. 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Steps for pizza dough
  1. Pour the flour into a large bowl. Add the yeast, salt, and cold water and, using a wooden spoon, mix to combine well.
  2. Sprinkle some flour on a work surface/kitchen counter and dump the pizza dough. Sprinkle more flour on top, and using your hand, knead the dough for about 10 to 15 minutes until a smooth ball forms but is still sticky on the bottom.
  3. Slowly place your dough in the refrigerator. This is the most critical step in creating good pizza dough. Lowering the temperature of the dough, slows the fermentation process down, allowing it to develop the flavor and texture it needs, without over-proofing.




Wrapping up

Follow these tips, and you will be impressed by how much your skills will improve. Making great pizza at home takes more time and effort, but the results are worth it.


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